Is teaching for me?

Blog: Is teaching for me?

18 July 2018

To be reading this right now you’re more than likely considering making the move to teaching, unless you’ve stumbled here by accident – then maybe this is fate?

Either way, we’ve narrowed down some of the best bits about being a teacher in this list.

No two days are the same

If you would enjoy a varied profession, look no further than teaching. Each academic year you will encounter new students with new questions and different ways of learning. Topics vary throughout the year and with the curriculum constantly being developed, you will get your hands on new topics to teach.

In case you start to crave a new challenge, you always have the option to work with a new age group. From nursery to higher education there are lots of opportunities for you to enrich your teaching experience and become a more versatile candidate.

Master your subject

The best way to test your understanding of a subject, is to teach it to someone else and if you’re doing that every day – you’re going to become pretty familiar with all the ins and outs. You’ll be challenged daily with questions from inquisitive students, some of which may have never crossed your mind otherwise, so you’ll never stop learning and improving your craft.

It’s thought that mastering a skill takes no less than 10,000 hours of practice. This equates to roughly 5 and a half years of full-time employment, not to mention the time you’ll have spent beforehand training to teach.

Shape the future

Teachers have a massive influence on developing minds and how you approach your lessons will play an important factor in your students’ lives. If you’re not enthusiastic about what you’re teaching – why should your students be enthusiastic about learning it?

You’re responsible for ensuring that the next generation of budding linguists, mathematicians (or whatever else floats your boat) have the confidence and capability to make waves in your specialism.

Teaching is certainly no walk in the park, it requires a lot of hard work and coffee-fuelled marking sessions but the benefits are insurmountable. Ask any teacher you know and they will gush about how rewarding their job is. There’s no better feeling than knowing you’ve helped someone to realise their full potential.

For the best start in your teaching career, view our courses.

Categories: Blog