Ryan Gleeson - UCR degree: BA Hons Media, Moving Image and Photography

Ryan Gleeson

10 September 2024

Ryan Gleeson

Teacher of Level 2 up to Final Year Degree Media and Photography

University Centre Rotherham degree:
BA Hons Media, Moving Image and Photography

Ryan’s Story

I started as a student at Rotherham College in 2011 and completed my level 3, then my degree and finally my PGCE! That’s six years of being a student at the RNN Group and now I am in my fourth year of teaching.

Restarting level 3

I started with Media Production in 2013, but I actually went elsewhere and studied A-Levels first, as that was what my friends did. I had a rough 2 years and didn’t enjoy it and felt I didn’t get anything out of it, so when all my friends went to University, I started again, following a career choice that I had an actual passion and interest in. When I was interviewed at Rotherham College, I felt a positive atmosphere and really felt like I’d stumbled across somewhere that had great values and matched the energy I wanted to give.

My level 3 course was so hands on and fun. Workshops and practical elements, and being able to be so creative was always the goal. Having an output for my creativity and emotion was always something I felt I needed and it now transpires into film.

“When I discovered I could sit a degree and stay in Rotherham, it eventually became the easiest decision I ever made.”

Ryan Gleeson, BA Hons Media, Moving Image and Photography

Doing a degree

Truth be told, I wasn’t sure I wanted to do a degree. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go, but after having multiple discussions with my tutor I finally came to the conclusion: it’s where I wanted to be. That’s not to say my tutor was pushy, in fact, they were very open and honest about the pros and cons of both Higher Education and Employment. There with honest and thoughtful conversations which I respected wholeheartedly.

I decided to stay in Rotherham for my degree because I had some personal things keeping me here. It’s one of the reasons I wasn’t sure on a degree, because I couldn’t move away because of those personal reasons. When I discovered I could sit a degree and stay in Rotherham at the University Centre Rotherham, it eventually became the easiest decision I ever made.

Moving into Teaching

Teaching was again, not something I’d ever thought of initially. However, seeing and experiencing the honesty, the respect, and the care from my tutors, I wanted to be just like them! If I could give my knowledge in such a way to a young person, where young people can remember my teaching fondly- but also remember that they are people and not just grades on a sheet – then I have done my job and will feel I have accomplished something important.

“To be in a room full of likeminded individuals, who all have really positive and passionate outlooks in their own specialisms was inspiring.”

Ryan Gleeson, BA Hons Media, Moving Image and Photography

Being honest!

Honestly? The PGCE was one of the hardest years of my life. Lots of things going on and what felt like such little time. I wouldn’t trade it for the world though. To be in a room full of likeminded individuals, who all have really positive and passionate outlooks in their own specialisms was inspiring. Many of us have now gone into full time teaching, and that is absolutely no surprise to me.

My strongest and fondest memories with the RNN Group will always be my first year as a teacher, standing on a stage at the end of year presentations and speaking to our students about how proud I am of them and handing out awards. Every year I now get to host our own awards show and do this annually, and it is truly the highlight of my academic year, every year.

And finally…

I’d love to add that without the personal approach my tutors gave me, something which I try to emulate, the experience wouldn’t have shaped me as much. This department is what it is, because of the people we were taught by and now we want to recreate that with our own personalities.

With us, you will always be a human being first, and a student after that.

Find out more about the Media, Moving Image and Photography degree and the Education courses that we offer at University Centre Rotherham.