
Worried about someone?

Talk to us if you or anyone you know is affected by:

  • Self-harming
  • Feeling Suicidal
  • Homelessness
  • Abuse
  • Forced Marriage
  • Domestic Violence
  • Extremist Behaviour
  • Drugs and Alcohol Abuse
  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Any Bullying
  • Sexual abuse
  • Sexual harassment
  • Peer on Peer abuse

Here to help, contact us

Call: 01709 722722
Who are the Group’s safeguarding team?

Download our peer on peer abuse procedure

The RNN Group places the safety and wellbeing of students and staff at the forefront of all its operations and acknowledges the range of activities that contribute to creating and maintaining an environment that promotes effective safeguarding practice.

The Safeguarding for All Policy provides for a coherent framework of practice to be in place and for all policies relating to this framework to address this priority, it is reviewed each year and when/or changes in law, policy, guidance or best practice occur in order to ensure that it remains a key driver in the development of strategy on safeguarding.

The Policy applies to all as safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Key RNN Group policies that contribute to the overarching Safeguarding for All Policy are available on request.

The RNN Group recognise its duties, statutory and otherwise to ensure that the organisation functions with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children receiving education and training at all Group sites.

Each policy addresses the organisation strategy relating to key campus activities and safeguarding provision is made within all activities.

Click the following link to see further RNN Group polices, procedures and processes.

The Safeguarding Team

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Laura Reid
Interim Group Lead for Safeguarding – Dan Cornwell

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
James Davenport
Lynda Christie

Safeguarding Officer for Rotherham Campus
Jodie Peet

Contact our Safeguarding Officers

Call 01709 722722
Visit Student Services