Quality Code for Higher Education

The RNN Group Quality Code draws together in a single location the organisation’s regulations, policies and codes of practice which constitute the framework for quality and standards.

This electronic copy of the code should be seen as the most up to date version.

Changes to documents are announced to staff through the portal and Curriculum Directors will be informed individually.

Please note, where the relevant awarding body has different requirements, this will take precedence over the RNN Group Quality Code.

To read the RNN Group Quality Code, please click on each of the below links:

Section 1 – Introduction

Section 2 – Programme Regulations

Section 3 – Assurance of the Quality of Teaching

3.1 – Recognised Teacher Status

3.2 – Learning and Teaching Strategy

3.3 – Higher Education Teaching Observation Policy

Annexe 3a – Management and Peer Observation Form

Annexe 3b – Peer Observation and Professional Development Action Plan

Annexe 3c – Peer Observation Reflection Form

Section 4 – External Examiners

4.1 – External Examiners

Section 5 – Appeals and Complaints

5.1 – Academic Appeals

5.2 – Investigation and Determination of Complaints by Students (2)

Annexe 5(A) – Academic Appeal Form

Annexe 5(B) – Record of Informal Complaint

Annexe 5(C) – Formal Complaint to the Head of Quality and Learning

Section 6 – Assessment

6.1 Assessment Procedures

Annexe 6A (1) – Additional Assessment Examinations Cover Sheet

Annexe 6A – College Guidelines for Making Reasonable Adjustments

Annexe 6B – Information about Reasonable Adjustments

Annexe 6C – Guidelines for Marking the Work of Students

Annexe 6D – Checklist for Invigilators

Annexe 6E – Generic Level 4 Grading Criteria

Annexe 6F – Generic Level 5 Grading Criteria

Annexe 6G – Generic Level 6 Grading Criteria

Annexe 6H – Generic Level 7 Grading Criteria

Annexe 6I (1) – Plagiarism Caution Letter

Annexe 6I – Regulations Governing the Use of Unfair Means

Annexe 6J – Fundamental Principles of Feedback

Annexe 6K – Assessment Task Pro Forma

Annexe 6L – Assignment Submission Process Students

Annexe 6M – Assignment Notification Form

Annexe 6N – Assignment Submission Form

Annexe 6O – Assignment Feedback Pro Forma

Section 7 – Approval of Programmes

7.1 – Approval of Programmes

Annexe 7A – Application for Development Consent

Annexe 7B – Summary of HE Developments

Appendix 7C – Approval Panel Members

Annexe 7D (1) – Programme Stage Specification Pro Forma

Annexe 7D (2) – Module Specification Pro Forma

Annexe 7D (3) – Authorisation and Approval of Provision

Annexe 7E – Module Amendment Form

Annexe 7F – Additional Site Form

Annexe 7G – Withdrawal and/or Amendment of a Programme Pre-approval

Annexe 7H – Approval Pro Forma (Pearson Programmes)

Section 8 – Programme Monitoring and Review

8.1 – Annual Monitoring of Programmes

Annexe 8a – Course HNC-D SED Template

Section 9 – Recruitment and Admissions

9.1 – Procedure for Admissions Decisions

9.2 – Terms of Reference for Admissions Staff

9.3 – Equal Opportunities Code of Practice

9.4 – Complaints Procedure for Student Admissions

Section 10 – Student Information, Representation and Support

10.1 – Attendance Monitoring

10.2 – Student Handbooks

Annexe 10a – Coursework Extension Request Form

Annexe 10b – Medical Note to Support Student Mitigation for Assessments

Annexe 10c – Exceptional Circumstances Form (Extenuating – Mitigating)

Annexe 10d – Student Referencing

Annexe 10e – Staff Referencing

Section 11 – Examination Boards

Section 12 – Publicity and Marketing of Academic Provision

Section 13 – Ethics and Research

13.1 – Ethical Principles for Research Activity in Rotherham College

13.2 – Research Misconduct

13A – Terms of Reference Ethics Committee

13B – Flow Chart of Ethical Consideration for Research

13C – Research Ethics Approval Form

13D – Permission to Proceed with Research

13E – Consent Form for Participants

13F – Consent Form for Parents